lwgray@gmail.com | 503-764-8451 | LinkedIn | GitHub | Blog | Baltimore, MD
District Data Labs, Research Fellow, Washington, DC
March 2018-Present
Freelance Data Science Consultant, Baltimore, MD
May 2016-Present
National Center for Biotechnology Information, Postdoctoral Fellow, Bethesda, MD
September 2013-Present
Johns Hopkins University, School of Medicine, Predoctoral Fellow, Baltimore, MD
April 2009-May 2013
BusyGrad, Co-founder, Baltimore, MD
November 2011-July 2013
GoodStuff, Owner, Baltimore MD
July 2013-Present
Ph.D, Cellular and Molecular Physiology, Johns Hopkins University, School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD
April 2009-May 2013
B.S, Biology and Chemistry, California State University, Fullerton, CA
August 2001-May 2005